Thursday, July 20, 2006

Hello from Singapore

Hey everyone. For those of you who don't know, I'm on my way to Indonesia for 10 days on a mission trip. For security reasons, I can't really give any more details that. I mainly just said that just because it sounds cool. I'm in Singapore right now at the airport, but it really doen't feel like I'm in a foreign country. Everything's in English and I just ate burger king with Garland while we watched Sports Center. We are stuck in the international zone, so I'm sure this area caters to Americans more than the rest of Singapore.
Garland and I met an amazing group from texas on their way to Africa for relief work. They're Christians, and it was really cool the instant connection we had. We began talking and their leader insisted on buying our lunch; they were quite an encouragement. The body is everywhere. Please pray for that group as well as a ours.
I love you guys, and I'll try to keep you updated.

1 comment:

Cameron said...

Rolie baby, that sounds awesome. I hope everything is going well and that your first couple of days have been amazing. I think TC said pretty much everything I was going to, so I'll just let his words stand for me, too. We love you and miss you, man.